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Decriminalization in Laos PDR after the UN agreed to de-schedule Entheogenic plants.

ໍ່ ບມີ ******   ແນະ  ນຳ ໂດຍພົ ນລະເມື ອງຂອງ LAOS MEMBERS   ກຳນສະ ໜັ ບ ສະ ໜູ ນ ກຳນສະ ໜັ ບ ສະ ໜູ ນ ກຳນປະຕິ ບັ ດແຜນກຳນຂອງພົ ນລະເມື ອງແລະກຳນພິ ຈຳລະນຳວໍ່ ຳກຳນລົ ງທື ນແລະກຳນເຂົົ້ ຳມຳຂ ອງພົ ນລະເມື ອງທໍ່ີ ມີ ສໍ່ ວນຮໍ່ ວມໃນກຳນ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ແຜນກຳນຂອງພົ ນລະເມື ອງເອກະຊົ ນໃນສະຫະປະຊຳຊຳດແລະລັ ດຖະບຳນກຳງສະບັ ບເລກທີ ________________________________________________ ບໍ່ ອນໃດກໍ່ ຕຳມ, ພື ດ Entheogenic, ໂດຍອີ ງໃສໍ່  ຄຳ ວໍ່ ຳ“ entheogen”, ເຊໍ່ິ ງສົ້ ຳງຂືົ້ ນມຳໂດຍ Ott, Ruck, ແລະເພໍ່ື ອນຮໍ່ ວມງຳນອໍ່ື ນໆຈຳກກ ໍ່ ມນັ ກວິ ທະຍຳສຳດແລະຊໍ່ ຽວຊຳນດົ້ ຳນພູ ມສຳດໃນປີ 1979; ແລະໄດົ້ ກ ຳ ນົ ດໃນນີົ້ ວໍ່ ຳເປັ ນພື ດທໍ່ີ ເຕັ ມໄປດົ້ ວຍພື ດ, ເຫັ ດ, ແລະວ ັດຖ ິດບ ທ ຳ ມະຊຳດທໍ່ີ ສົ ມຄວນແລະເຄົ ຳລົ ບນັ ບຖື ຈຳກທັ ດສະນະຂອງບ ກຄົ ນແລະລວມ ໝູໍ່ , ເຊໍ່ິ ງສຳມຳດສົ້ ຳງແຮງບັ ນດຳນໃຈໃຫົ້ ແກໍ່ ສະຫວັ ດດີ ກຳນສໍ່ ວນຕົ ວແລະຈິ ດວິ ນຍຳນ, ສຳມຳດສົ້ ຳງຜົ ນປະໂຫຍດໃຫົ້ ແກໍ່ ສ ຂະພຳບທຳງຈິ ດໃຈແລະທຳງດົ້ ຳນຮໍ່ ຳງກຳຍ, ແລະສຳມຳດສົ້ ຳງຄວຳມຮູົ້ ຶສກຄື ນ ໃໝໍ່ ແກໍ່ ມະນ ດ ສຳຍພົ ວພັ ນທໍ່ີ ໍ່ ບມີ ປະສິ ດຕິ ພຳບແລະໂດຍກົ ງກັ ບ ທ ຳ ມະຊຳດ, ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ສຳນເສບຕິ ດໃນບໍ່ ອນໃດກໍ່ ຕຳມ, ໍ່ິສງເສບຕິ ດ, ໍ່ິສງເສບຕິ ດ, ຄວຳມຮູົ້ ຶສກເຈັ ບ, ຄວຳມເຈັ ບປວດ, ອຳກຳນຄວຳມຄຽດຫລັ ງໂຣກ, ໂຣກຊື ມເສົົ້ ຳເຮືົ້ ອ, ຄວຳມກັ ງວົ ນຮ ນແຮງ, ຄວຳມກັ ງວົ ນທໍ່ີ ສ ດຂອງຊີ ິວດ, ຄວຳມໂສກເສົົ້ ຳ, ໂລກເບົ ຳຫວຳນ, ກຳນເຈັ ບຫົ ວ, ແລະເງໍ່ື ອນໄຂອໍ່ື ນໆ ກ ຳ ລັ ງກະທົ ບຊ ມຊົ ນຂອງພວກເຮົ ຳແລະວໍ່ ຳກຳນ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ໂຮງງຳນ Entheogenic Plants ໄດົ້ ຖື ກສະແດງໃຫົ້ ເຫັ ນວໍ່ ຳມີ ປະໂຫຍດຕໍ່ ສ ຂະພຳບແລະສະຫວັ ດດີ ພຳບຂອງບ ກຄົ ນແລະຊ ມຊົ ນໃນ ກຳນແກົ້ ໄຂຄວຳມທ ກທ ລະມຳນເຫລໍ່ົ ຳນີົ້ ໂດຍຜໍ່ ຳນກຳນສຶ ກສຳທຳງວິ ທະຍຳສຳດແລະກຳນແພດແ ລະພຳຍໃນກຳນປະຕິ ບັ ດຕຳມປະເພນີ ໍ່ີທຍັ ງສື ບຕໍ່ , ເຊໍ່ິ ງສຳມຳດກະຕ ົ້ ນປະສົ ບກຳນທໍ່ີ ເລິ ກເຊໍ່ິ ງຂອງກຳນເຕີ ບໂຕສໍ່ ວນບ ກຄົ ນແລະຈິ ດວິ ນຍຳນ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ບໍ່ ອນໃດກໍ່ ຕຳມ, ກຳນປະຕິ ບັ ດກັ ບໂຮງງຳນ Entheogenic Plants ແມໍ່ ນມີ ມຳແຕໍ່ ດົ ນນຳນແລະໄດົ້ ຖື ກຖື ວໍ່ ຳເປັ ນສິໍ່ ງສັ ກສິ ດຕໍ່ ວັ ດທະນະ ທ ຳ ຂອງມະນ ດແລະກຳນພົ ວພັ ນກັ ບມະນ ດກັ ບ ທ ຳ ມະຊຳດເປັ ນເວລຳຫລຳຍພັ ນີປ, ແລະສື ບຕໍ່ ໄດົ້ ຮັ ບກຳນປັ ບປ ງແລະປັ ບປ ງໃຫົ້ ນັ ບມືົ້ ນັ ບດີ ືຂົ້ ນໂດຍຜູົ້  ນຳ ທຳງສຳດສະ ໜຳ ແລະວິ ນຍຳນ, ຜູົ້ ຊໍ່ ຽວຊຳນປະຕິ ບັ ດ, ຜູົ້ ແນະ  ນຳ, ແລະຜູົ້ ຮັ ກສຳປໍ່ິ ນປົ ວທໍ່ົ ວໂລກ, ຫລຳຍໆຄົ ນທໍ່ີ ຖື ກບັ ງຄັ ບໃຫົ້ ຢໍູ່ ໃຕົ້ ິດນ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ບໍ່ ອນໃດກໍ່ ຕຳມ, ມັ ນຍັ ງຂຳດຄວຳມກະຈໍ່ ຳງແຈົ້ ງກໍ່ ຽວກັ ບວໍ່ ຳກຳນປະຕິ ບັ ດດໍ່ັ ງກໍ່ ຳວສຳມຳດຖື ກບັ ງຄັ ບໃຊົ້ ໃນກຳນບັ ງ ຄັ ບໃຊົ້ ກົ ດ ໝຳຍ ແລະດໍ່ັ ງນັົ້ ນຜູົ້ ໍ່ີທຊອກຫຳເພໍ່ື ອປັ ບປ ງສ ຂະພຳບແລະສະຫວັ ດດີ ພຳບຂອງເຂົ ຳເຈົົ້ ຳໂດຍຜ ໍ່ຳນກຳນ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ໂຮງງຳນ Entheogenic Plants ໃຊົ້ ພວກມັ ນໃນຄວຳມຢົ້ ຳນກົ ວຕໍ່ ກຳນຈັ ບກ ມແລະ  ດຳ ເນີ ນຄະດີ ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

WHEREAS, ກຳນປະຕິ ບັ ດງຳນຂອງພື ດ Entheogenic ຂອງບຳງກ ໍ່ ມໄດົ້ ຮັ ບກຳນປົ ກປົ້ ອງຢໍ່ ຳງຊັ ດເຈນໃນສະຫະລັ ດພຳຍໃຕົ້  ຄຳ ສອນຂອງເສລີ ພຳບທຳງສຳສະ ໜຳ - ກຳນໃຊົ້ peyote ຂອງໂບດອຳເມລິ ກຳແລະກຳນ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ayahuasca ໂດຍສອງໂບດອໍ່ື ນ, ໂບດ Santo Daime ແລະUnião do Vegetal ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ບໍ່ ອນໃດກໍ່ ຕຳມ, ທ ກໆປະເທດໃນໂລກມີ ກຳນປະຕິ ບັ ດສຳດສະ ໜຳ ດົ້ ວຍກຳນຂຽນທໍ່ີ ອົ້ ຳງວໍ່ ຳຕົົ້ ນໄມົ້ ທ ກຊະນິ ດໃນໂລກໄດົ້ ຖື ກສົ້ ຳງຂືົ້ ນໂດຍ  ອຳ ນຳດທໍ່ີ ສູ ງກວໍ່ ຳແລະຖື ກ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້  ສຳ ລັ ບກຳນ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ສັ ບພະສໍ່ິ ງຂອງໂລກທັ ງ ໝົ ດ ດໍ່ັ ງທໍ່ີ ຂຽນໄວົ້ ໃນພຣະ  ຄຳ ພີ ຂອງທ ກໆກຳນປະກຳດທຳງວິ ນຍຳນ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ບໍ່ ອນໃດກໍ່ ຕຳມ, ອົ ງກຳນສະຫະປະຊຳຊຳດພິ ຈຳລະນຳວັ ດຖ ພື ດ Entheogenic ໍ່ີທໃຊົ້  ສຳ ລັ ບຈ ດປະສົ ງພິ ີທ ກ ຳ ດໍ່ັ ງທໍ່ີ ືຖ ກຍົ ກເວັ ົ້ນຈຳກສຳນ 1 ຕຳຕະລຳງ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ຕົ ວຢໍ່ ຳງ

WHEREAS, ໂຮງງຳນ Entheogenic ປະກອບດົ້ ວຍ ibogaine, ໄດົ້ ຖື ກສະແດງໃຫົ້ ເຫັ ນເຖິ ງກຳນຫ  ດຜໍ່ ອນບັ ນດຳກ ລະນີ ີໍ່ທທົ ນທຳນຕໍ່ ກຳນປໍ່ິ ນປົ ວຂອງສໍ່ິ ງເສບຕິ ດ ຝໍ່ິ ນແລະຢຳ methamphetamine ໃນອັ ດຕຳທໍ່ີ ສູ ງກໍ່ ວຳຢໍ່ ຳງຍິ ໍ່ງກໍ່ ວຳກຳນປິໍ່ ນປົ ວອໍ່ື ນໆທັ ງ ໝົ ດ. ນອກຈຳກນັົ້ ນ, ibogaine ຖື ກລຳຍງຳນວໍ່ ຳມີ ປະໂຫຍດຕໍ່ ກຳນປໍ່ິ ນປົ ວສໍ່ິ ງເສບຕິ ດທໍ່ີ ກໍ່ ຽວຂົ້ ອງກັ ບ PTSD ໍ່ີທກໍ່ ຽວຂົ້ ອງກັ ບກຳນເຮັ ດວຽກສະເພຳະທໍ່ີ ພົ ບໂດຍຜູົ້ ຕອບແບບ ທ ຳ ິອດເຊໍ່ ັນ EMT, ຕ ຳ ຫ ວດ, ແລະເຈົົ້ ຳ ໜົ້ ຳ ໍ່ີທດັ ບເພີ ງ, ລວມທັ ງນັ ກຮົ ບເກໍ່ົ ຳທະຫຳນ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

WHEREAS, ພື ດ Entheogenic ຫື ກຳນປະສົ ມຂອງພື ດຕໍ່ ຳງໆເຊໍ່ັ ນ Ayahuasca ໍ່ີທປະກອບດົ້ ວຍຮູ ບແບບຕໍ່ ຳງໆຂອງ DMT ເຊໍ່ິ ງເປັ ນສຳນປະສົ ມທໍ່ີ ເກີ ດຂື ົ້ນຕຳມ ທ ຳ ມະຊຳດໃນຮໍ່ ຳງກຳຍຂອງມະນ ດ, ສຳມຳດ  ນຳ ໄປສູໍ່ ປະສົ ບກຳນທີໍ່ ຖື ກລຳຍງຳນວໍ່ ຳເປັ ນ mystical ຫື ມີ ປະສົ ບກຳນຄົ້ ຳຍຄື ກັ ບປະສົ ບກຳນໃກົ້ ຈະຕຳຍແລະນັົ້ ນສຳມຳດເປັ ນປະໂຫຍດທີໍ່ ສະແດງໃຫົ້ ເຫັ ນ ໃນ ຮັ ກສຳສໍ່ິ ງເສບຕິ ດ, ຶຊມເສົົ້ ຳ, ໂຣກ PTSD, ແລະໃນປະສົ ບກຳນທໍ່ີ ເລິ ກເຊໍ່ິ ງຂອງກຳນເຕີ ບໂຕສໍ່ ວນບ ກຄົ ນແລະຈິ ດວິ ນຍຳນ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

WHEREAS, Entheogenic cacti ໍ່ີທບັ ນຈ ທຳດປະສົ ມ phenethylamine ເຊໍ່ັ ນ mescaline ສຳມຳດເປັ ນປະໂຫຍດໃນກຳນຮັ ກສຳກຳນຕິ ດຢຳແລະສໍ່ິ ງເສບຕິ ດເຫົ ົ້ ຳແລະເພໍ່ື ອກຳນຈະເລີ ນເຕີ ບ ໂຕທຳງວິ ນຍຳນຂອງແຕໍ່ ລະບ ກຄົ ນ, ແລະໄດົ້ ຖື ກ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ເຂົົ້ ຳໃນກຳນລິ ເລໍ່ີ ມແລະກຳນຮັ ກສຳຊ ມຊົ ນທີໍ່ ສັ ກສິ ດໂດຍປະເພນີ ທຳງສຳສະ ໜຳ ແລະວັ ດທະນະ ທ ຳ ເປັ ນເວລຳຫລຳຍພັ ນປີ ແລະສື ບຕໍ່   ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ເປັ ນສິ ນລະລຶ ກທຳງສຳດສະ ໜຳ. ໃນຍ ກສະ ໄໝ ໃໝໍ່ ; ແລະ WHEREAS, psilocybin, ໍ່ີທເກີ ດຂືົ້ ນຕຳມ ທ ຳ ມະຊຳດໃນເຫັ ດ Entheogenic, ສຳມຳດຫ  ດຜໍ່ ອນຄວຳມກັ ງວົ ນໃຈໃນໄລຍະສ ດທົ້ ຳຍຂອງຊີ ິວດ  ສຳ ລັ ບຄົ ນເຈັ ບທໍ່ີ ຢໍູ່ ໂຮງ ໝ     ແລະຜູົ້ ປໍ່ ວຍມະເລັ ງຢໍູ່ ປຳຍຍອດ, ສຳມຳດຫ  ດຜໍ່ ອນຄວຳມວ ົ້ ນວຳຍໃນຄ ກ, ແລະສຳມຳດປໍ່ິ ນປົ ວໂຣກຊື ມເສົົ້ ຳ, ອຳກຳນເຈັ ບຫົ ວແລະບຳດແຜ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

WHEREAS, ກຳນສຶ ກສຳຂອງມະຫຳິວທະຍຳໄລ Johns Hopkins ກໍ່ ຽວກັ ບ "ມຳດຕະຖຳນສ ຂະພຳບດີ " ພົ ບວໍ່ ຳ psilocybin ສຳມຳດມີ ໂອກຳດປະສົ ບກຳນແບບ mystical, ເຊໍ່ິ ງຖື ວໍ່ ຳເປັ ນ ໜໍ່ຶ ງ ໃນ 5 ປະສົ ບກຳນທໍ່ີ ມີ ຄວຳມ ໝຳຍ ສູ ງສ ດໃນຊີ ິວດຂອງຫົ ວຂ ົ້ ໜໍ່ຶ ງ ຫ ຳຍກວໍ່ ຳ 75% ຂອງວິ ຊຳຂອງພວກເຂົ ຳພຳຍໃນປີ ທ ຳ ິອດ ກຳນສຶ ກສຳ, ແລະຍັ ງໄດົ້ ພົ ບເຫັ ນກຳນປໍ່ ຽນແປງຮູ ບແບບກຳນ  ດຳ ລົ ງຊີ ິວດໃນທຳງບວກຫລັ ງຈຳກຕ ິດຕຳມ 14 ເດື ອນ; ແລະ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

WHEREAS, CITIZENRY of LAOS ປຳດຖະ ໜຳ ຢຳກປະກຳດຄວຳມປຳຖະ ໜຳ ຂອງຕົ ນທໍ່ີ ຈະບໍ່ ໃຊົ້ ຈໍ່ ຳຍຊັ ບພະຍຳກອນໃນກຳນສື ບສວນ, ກຳນກັ ກຂັ ງ, ກຳນຈັ ບກ ມ, ຫລ ືກຳນ  ດຳ ເນີ ນຄະດີ ຕໍ່ ຳງໆທໍ່ີ ເກີ ດຂືົ້ ນຈຳກກຳນລະເມີ ດກົ ດ ໝຳຍ ຂອງລັ ດແລະລັ ດຖະບຳນກຳງກໍ່ ຽວກັ ບກຳນ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ພື ດ Entheogenic; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ດຽວນີົ້ ກໍ່ ອນມັ ນ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

RESOLVED, ວໍ່ ຳ IT CITIZENRY ຂອງ LAOS ໃນນີົ້ ປະກຳດວໍ່ ຳມັ ນຈະເປັ ນນະໂຍບຳຍຂອງພະແນກ, ອົ ງກຳນ, ຄະນະ, ຄະນະ ກ ຳ ມະກຳນ, ພະນັ ກງຳນຫື ພະນັ ກງຳນຂອງ LAOS ລວມທັ ງໂດຍບໍ່   ຈຳ ກັ ດ, ພະນັ ກງຳນຂອງ ຕ ຳ ຫ ວດກົ ມ ຕ ຳ ຫ ວດ , ຕົ້ ອງ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ເງິ ນທຶ ນຫື ຊັ ບພະຍຳກອນຕໍ່ ຳງໆຂອງ LAOS ເພໍ່ື ອຊໍ່ ວຍໃນກຳນບັ ງຄັ ບໃຊົ້ ກົ ດ ໝຳຍ ໍ່ີທ ກ ຳ ນົ ດກຳນລົ ງໂທດທຳງອຳຍຳ  ສຳ ລັ ບກຳນ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ແລະຄອບຄອງຂອງໂຮງງຳນ Entheogenic ໂດຍຜູົ້ ໃຫຍໍ່ ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ແລະຕົ້ ອງໄດົ້ ຮັ ບກຳນແກົ້ ໄຂໃນຕໍ່  ໜົ້ ຳ, ວໍ່ ຳ

CITIZENRY of LAOS ີຊົ້  ນຳ ໃຫົ້ ຜູົ້ ບິລຫຳນຂອງຕົ ນແນະ  ນຳ ໃຫົ້ ບັ ນດຳນັ ກເລງຂອງລັ ດແລະລັ ດຖະບຳນກຳງເຮັ ດວຽກໃນກຳນສະ ໜັ ບ ສະ ໜູ ນ ກຳນຕັ ດສິ ດທັ ງ ໝົ ດ ຂອງພື ດແລະທຳດປະສົ ມພື ດທໍ່ີ ຖື ກລະບ ໄວົ້ ໃນຕຳຕະລຳງກຳນຄວບຄ ມຂອງລັ ດຖະບຳນກຳງ 1; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ແລະມັ ນຕົ້ ອງໄດົ້ ຮັ ບກຳນແກົ້ ໄຂຕໍ່ື ມອີ ກວໍ່ ຳ _

CITIZENRY ຂອງ LAOS  ຂປະກຳດວໍ່ ຳມັ ນຈະເປັ ນນະໂຍບຳຍຂອງ LAOS ວໍ່ ຳກຳນສື ບສວນແລະຈັ ບກ ມຜູົ້ ໃຫຍໍ່  ສຳ ລັ ບກຳນປູ ກ, ກຳນປູ ກ, ກຳນຊືົ້ , ກຳນຂົ ນສໍ່ົ ງ, ກຳນແຈກຢຳຍ, ກຳນແຈກຢຳຍ, ກຳນມີ ສໍ່ ວນຮໍ່ ວມໃນກຳນປະຕິ ບັ ດກັ ບ, ແລະ / ຫື ມີ ຂອງ Entheogenic ພື ດຫື ສຳນປະກອບທໍ່ີ ໃສໍ່ ໃນລຳຍກຳນຕຳຕະລຳງລັ ດຖະບຳນກຳງບໍ່ ມີ ບ ິລມະສິ ດບັ ງຄັ ບໃຊົ້ ກົ ດ ໝຳຍ  ສຳ ລັ ບ

CITIZENRY of LAOS; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ແລະເປັ ນກຳນແກົ້ ໄຂຕໍ່ ໄປວໍ່ ຳ CITIZENRY ຂອງ LAOS ຮຽກຮົ້ ອງໃຫົ້ ອົ ງກຳນໄອຍະກຳນເມື ອງ LAOS ຢ ດເຊົ ຳກຳນ  ດຳ ເນີ ນຄະດີ ຂອງບ ກຄ ົນທໍ່ີ ກໍ່ ຽວຂົ້ ອງກັ ບກຳນ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ຕົົ້ ນໄມົ້ Entheogenic ຫື ສຳນປະກອບທໍ່ີ ີອງໃສໍ່ ພື ດໃນຕຳຕະລຳງ 1 ບັ ນຊີ ລັ ດຖະບຳນກຳງ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ແລະເປັ ນກຳນແກົ້ ໄຂໃນຕໍ່  ໜົ້ ຳ ວໍ່ ຳຖົ້ ຳມີ ຂົ້ ກ ຳ ນົ ດໃດ ໜຶໍ່ ງ ຂອງມະຕິ ີນົ້ ຖື ກປະກຳດໂດຍສຳນທໍ່ີ ມີ ິສດ  ອຳ ນຳດທໍ່ີ ຈະຂັ ດກັ ບກົ ດລະບຽບໃດ ໜໍ່ຶ ງ ຫື ກຳນຕັ ດສິ ນຂອງສຳນຫື ກຳນ  ນຳ ໃຊົ້ ກັ ບບ ກຄົ ນຫື ສະຖຳນະກຳນໃດ ໜໍ່ຶ ງ ແມໍ່ ນບໍ່ ຖື ກຕົ້ ອງກັ ບຄວຳມຖື ກຕົ້ ອງຂອງສໍ່ ວນທີໍ່ ເຫື ອຂອງມະຕິ ີນົ້ ແລະມັ ນອຳດຈະບໍ່ ມີ ຜົ ນກະທົ ບຕໍ່ ບ ກຄົ ນຫື  ໜໍ່ ວຍ ງຳນອໍ່ື ນໃດ. ___

CITIZENRY ຂອງ LAOS__________ ເກັ ບ ກ ຳ  ຂົ້ ມູ ນໂດຍວິ ີທກຳນຕິ ດຕຳມ

WHEREAS psilocybin thikoedkhuntam tham masad naihed Entheogenic samad rudphon khuaam kangvon chai nailainya sudthaikhongsivid sam lab khoncheb thiyuohng mo lae phupuany maleng yu pai nyod samad rudphon khuaam vunuaai naikhuk lae samad pinpua ork sum sao akan chebhua lae badaeph lae WHEREAS kansuksakhongmahavithanyalai Johns Hopkins kiauakab madtathan sukhaphab di phobva psilocybin samad miookad pasobkanaebb mystical soengthuvapen nung nai 5 pasobkanthimikhuaam mai sungsud naisivid khonghuakho nung raikva 75 khong visa khongphuakkhaophainaipi tham id kansuksa lae nyangdai phobhen kanpianaepnghubaebbkan dam long sivid naithangbuak langchaktidtam 14 deuon lae WHEREAS CITIZENRY of LAOS padtha na yak pakad khuaampatha na khongton thi chabo saichai sabphanyakon nai kansubsuan kan kakkhang kanchabkum lukan dam noen khaditang thikoedkhun chak kanlamoedkod mai khonglad lae ladthaban kangkiauakabkan nam saiphud Entheogenic diauani konman RESOLVED va IT CITIZENRY khong LAOS naini pakadva manchapen naonybai khongphaaenk ongkan khana khana kam makan phanakngan ruphanakngankhong LAOS luamthangodnybo cham kad phanakngankhong tam ruadkom tam ruad tong nam sai ngoenthun ru sabphanyakontangkhong LAOS pheuosuany naikan bangkhabsaikod mai thi kam nod kanlongothdthangoaia sam labkan nam sai lae khobkhong khongohngngan Entheogenic odny phuhainy lae tongdaihab kanaekkhai naito na va CITIZENRY of LAOS si nam hai phubolihan khongtonnae nam haibanda nakleng khonglad lae ladthaban kang heduaiak naikansa nab sa nun kantad sidthang mod khongphud lae thadpasom phud thithuk labuuaai nai tatalang kankhuabkhum khongladthabankang 1 lae man tongdaihab kanaekkhaitumikva CITIZENRY khong LAOS khopakad va manchapennaonybaikhong LAOS va kansubsuan lae chabkumphuhainy sam lab kanpuk kanpuk kansu kankhonsong kan aechkyai kan aechkyai kan misuanhuam naikanpatibad kab lae ru mikhong Entheogenic phud ru san pakob thi sainai laikan tatalang ladthaban kang bomi bulimasid bangkhabsaikod mai sam lab CITIZENRY of LAOS lae pen kanaekkhaitopaiva CITIZENRY khong LAOS hiakhonghai ongkan ainyakanmeuong LAOS yudsaokan dam noen khadi khongbukkhon thikiauakhongkabkan nam saitonmai Entheogenic ru san pakob thi ingsai phud naitatalang 1 bansi ladthaban kang lae pen kanaekkhai naito na va thamikho kam noddai nung khong mati ni thuk pakad odnysanthimisid am nad thicha khadkab kodlabiabdai nung ru kan tadsinkhongsan rukan nam saikab bukkhon ru sathanakandai nung aemn bothuktong kabkhuaam thuktong khong suanthiheu khong matini lae man adchabomi phonkathobto bukkhonru nuany ngan un dai CITIZENRY khong LAOS keb kam khomun odny vithikan tidtam

English for Seattle. Many cities are passing this now.


WHEREAS, Entheogenic Plants, based on the term “entheogen”, originally conceived by Ott, Ruck, and other colleagues from a working group of anthropologists and ethnobotanists in 1979; and defined herein as the full spectrum of plants, fungi, and natural materials deserving reverence and respect from the perspective of the individual and the collective, that can inspire personal and spiritual well-being, can benefit psychological and physical wellness, and can reestablish human’s inalienable and direct relationship to nature, and

WHEREAS substance abuse, addiction, recidivism, trauma, post-traumatic stress symptoms, chronic depression, severe anxiety, end-of-life anxiety, grief, diabetes, cluster headaches, and other conditions are plaguing our community and that the use of Entheogenic Plants have been shown to be beneficial to the health and well-being of individuals and communities in addressing these afflictions via scientific and clinical studies and within continuing traditional practices, which can catalyze profound experiences of personal and spiritual growth; and

WHEREAS, practices with Entheogenic Plants have long existed and have been considered to be sacred to human cultures and human interrelationships with nature for thousands of years, and continue to be enhanced and improved to this day by religious and spiritual leaders, practicing professionals, mentors, and healers throughout the world, many of whom have been forced underground; and 

WHEREAS, there is a lack of clarity as to whether such practices can be subject to law enforcement and therefore those seeking to improve their health and well-being through the use of Entheogenic Plants use them in fear of arrest and prosecution; and  WHEREAS, the Entheogenic Plant practices of certain groups are already explicitly protected in the U.S. under the doctrine of religious freedom -- the Native American Church’s use of peyote and the use of ayahuasca by two other churches, a Santo Daime congregation and the União do Vegetal; and

WHEREAS, all countries of the world have religious practices with writings professing that all plants on earth have been created by the higher power and given for the use of all earth’s beings; and 

WHEREAS, The United Nations considers Entheogenic Plant material used for ritual purposes as excluded from Schedule 1 substances; and

WHEREAS, Entheogenic plants containing ibogaine, for example, have been shown to alleviate treatment resistant cases of opiate and methamphetamine addiction at significantly higher rates than all other treatments for addiction. In addition, ibogaine is reported to be beneficial for addiction therapy related to specific work-related PTSD encountered by first responders such as EMT, police, and firefighters, as well as military veterans; and 

WHEREAS, Entheogenic Plants or combinations of plants such as Ayahuasca that contain forms of DMT, a naturally occurring compound in the human body that is listed as a Schedule 1 substance, can lead to experiences that are reported as mystical or experientially similar to near death ____________ 1. Refers to plants and natural sources (as defined herein), such as mushrooms, cacti, iboga containing plants and /or extracted combinations of plants similar to Ayahuasca; and limited to those containing the following types of compounds: indole amines, tryptamines, phenethylamines. ____________ experiences and that are can be demonstrably beneficial in treating addiction, depression, PTSD, and in catalyzing profound experiences of personal and spiritual growth; and

WHEREAS, Entheogenic cacti that contain phenethylamine compounds such as mescaline can be beneficial in healing drug and alcohol addiction and for individual spiritual growth, and have been utilized in sacred initiation and community healing by diverse religious and cultural traditions for millennia and continuing use as religious sacraments in modern times; and 

WHEREAS, psilocybin, naturally occurring in Entheogenic mushrooms, can alleviate end-of-life anxiety for hospice and terminal cancer patients, can reduce prison recidivism, and can effectively treats depression, cluster headaches, and trauma; and 

WHEREAS, a Johns Hopkins University study on “healthy-normals” found that psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences, which were considered one of the top five most meaningful experiences in a subject’s life for over 75% of their subjects within the first year after the study, and also found continuing positive life-style changes after a 14-month follow-up; and

WHEREAS, the City of Seattle wishes to declare its desire not to expend City resources in any investigation, detention, arrest, or prosecution arising out of alleged violations of state and federal law regarding the use of Entheogenic Plants;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Council hereby declare that it shall be the policy of the City of Seattle that no department, agency, board, commission, officer or employee of the city, including without limitation, Seattle Police Department personnel, shall use any city funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of laws imposing criminal penalties for the use and possession of Entheogenic Plants by adults;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Seattle City Council directs the City Administrator to instruct the City’s state and federal lobbyists to work in support of decriminalizing all Entheogenic Plants and plant-based compounds that are listed on the Federal Controlled Substances Schedule 1;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and City Council hereby declare that it shall be the policy of the City of Seattle that the investigation and arrest of adult persons for planting, cultivating, purchasing, transporting, distributing, engaging in practices with, and/or possessing Entheogenic Plants or plant compounds on the Federal Schedule 1 list shall be amongst the lowest law enforcement priority for the City of Seattle;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and City Council call upon the King County District Attorney to cease prosecution of persons involved in the use of Entheogenic Plants or plant-based compounds on the Federal Schedule 1 List;

AND BE IT FURTHER   RESOLVED That if any provision of this resolution is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to any statute regulation or judicial decision or its applicability to any agency person or circumstances is held invalid the validity of the remainder of this resolution and it applicability to any other agency person or circumstance shall not be affected.
